
About us

Kalani is a retreat center in the heart of the coastal jungles in the Puna District of the island of Hawai’i. Our lush campus is a hub for wellness services, guest lodging, environmental stewardship, educational programs, and community living. We partner with teachers and facilitators to offer daily classes such as yoga, art, gardening, meditation and dance, as well as host community workshops, special events, dedicated retreats, and so much more. Our Hale Aloha shop is open from 8 am – 6 pm daily and serves up coffee, ice cream and other local goods for sale. We hope to see you for a visit soon!


Read the reviews, descriptions and testimonials below from the wide range of guests and visitors at Kalani Retreat Center.

From lodging guests

Find serenity in one of our uniquely designed jungle-chic private cottages.

From class and event attendees

Our class schedule encompasses special events and daily classes that celebrate wellness, nature, culture and the arts. As the recognized birthplace of Ecstatic Dance, we’re also happy to host this unique and lively weekly community event each Sunday. Whether you are a beginner or an instructor, we offer levels of participation and partnership that all can enjoy.

From wellness clients

Kalani offers a diverse range of holistic wellness practices offered by skilled licensed therapists in our Wellness Studio. We invite you to relieve tension and stress, while also awakening your natural vibrant energy.

From retreat participants

Kalani serves as the host of retreats, events and workshops with partnering facilitators as well as offering in-house produced experiences. Our vast campus grounds and lush environment is a space for serene inner transformation as well as lively celebrations. Please inquire with our team if you are interested in hosting your retreat, workshop or event at Kalani Retreat Center.

From service learning members

A big part of the magic of Kalani is the team who makes operations happen and bring the aloha in whatever projects they contribute to. Interested in applying to join our diverse and joyful service-oriented community?

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